LG Appliance Repair in Houston, Texas
LG Appliance Repair Near Me Call 713-270-8879Schdule for serviceLG Appliance Repair in Houston, Texas
LG is one of the most trusted brands all over the world, and there’s probably one appliance in our households that’s from this brand. It’s not a mystery why—this is one of the most high-end and high-quality brands of appliances, not just in the United States of America but all around the world. Their products have won design awards, and they’ve helped homeowners create the households that they dream of.
So what do you do when your beloved LG appliance starts to show signs of wear and tear?
Here at Factory Appliance Houston, we provide one of the best and the most professional services for LG appliance repair. Now, we know that you simply can’t go to any random repair company because this particular repair company needs to be certified when repairing any machine from LG. Luckily, we are certified by LG, and we are more than happy to provide you with our best services.
We offer our services to different clients all around Houston, Texas. We have a team of highly skilled and professional people who does their job fast and efficiently. You only need to see our work for yourselves!
So if your LG appliances are showings signs of glitching and what-not, then you know who to run to.
Call us today at Factory Appliance Houston to get a quote and to know more about the different services we offer!
Ready to get started?
Repair or Install a device today.
Factory Appliance Service LLC
11160 Dover St. Suite B-3
Houston Texas 77031
OFFICE: 713-270-8879 FAX: 832-672-4524

11160 Dover St. Suite B-3 Houston Texas 77031